Uncontested Divorce Attorneys
If you are considering a divorce, the easiest, quickest way to get it done is by agreeing to an uncontested divorce. Richardson Law Group is here to help you determine what issues will cause your divorce to go from UNCONTESTED to CONTESTED. Call us at 305-570-2271.
Florida is "No Fault" State When it Comes to Divorce
In Florida, “Dissolution of Marriage” is the legal term for a divorce. Florida is a “no-fault” state, meaning that under Florida divorce laws, you do not need to prove cause or “fault” to obtain a divorce. A court can issue a divorce judgment if a spouse swears under oath in court that the marriage is “irretrievably broken.”
Uncontested Divorce - Do I Still Need An Attorney?
Yes. And here is why:
- In 99% of cases, what seems like a fair distribution of assets and liabilities may not be fair in the eyes of the law. Neither party should be short-changed when it comes to this. The experienced attorneys at Richardson Law Group knows what questions to ask and what "disclosures" to collect to ensure that you (the client) are not getting a raw deal.
- If there is debt to be divided, it must be carefully distributed because creditors can pursue the ex-spouse of someone who defaults on a debt.
- You don't know what you don't know. In many cases, it is more advantageous to one party than the other to try to leave the lawyers out of the equation. There is usually a reason why someone would push to go this route. An attorney will ask the tough questions to help you make a decision about what is best for you.
- The process to file for a divorce is cumbersome and filings often get rejected by the Clerk of Court due to common errors. A good attorney will guide you through what needs to be filed and when it needs to be filed. This way everything is done right the firs time.
- There is nothing wrong with consulting with a divorce lawyer in Miami-Dade, Broward or any other county in Florida to ensure you are being treated fairly.
- Rest assured that meeting a Richardson Law Group divorce attorney will be confidential. Your spouse does not necessarily need to be informed that you are talking to an attorney.

3350 SW 148th Avenue, Suite 110, Miramar, Florida 33027
Office: 305-570-2271
Fax: 305-851-7783
Email: Info@Richardson-LawGroup.com
Office: 305-570-2271
Fax: 305-851-7783
Email: Info@Richardson-LawGroup.com