Drug Possession Criminal Defense
If you’re facing drug charges in Florida, such as drug possession, you need the help of an experienced fighter from Richardson Law Group. Our legal team has the experience, knowledge, and skills to defend you in court. We’ve handled cases just like yours, and we’re ready to help you fight for and maintain your freedom.
Drug crimes are very serious offenses in Florida. If you are arrested, you could face tough penalties, including serving time in jail. Whether you’re facing a misdemeanor or felony charge, you should hire an experienced Attorney to fight for you.
Call Richardson Law Group at 305-570-2271 and speak to a drug possession attorney today.
What Does "Possession of a Controlled Substance" Mean?
Florida Statute §893.13 states that it is an illegal offense to be in possession of a controlled substance. Even trace amounts of a controlled substance can result in misdemeanor or felony charges. For the prosecution to convict an alleged offender they must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he or she was in actual or constructive possession of a controlled substance.
Actual possession of a controlled substance is when the illegal drug can be found on the alleged offender's physical body. If a person has the controlled substance in their hand, pocket, wallet, purse, underclothes, etc., then that is considered actual possession.
Constructive possession is when the controlled substance is not within "ready reach," but is considered under the alleged offender's dominion or control. For instance, if the substance is hidden in a motor vehicle you could be considered in constructive possession.

Office: 305-570-2271
Fax: 305-851-7783
Email: Info@Richardson-LawGroup.com